Bracelets For Layering Looks-Premium Gotland Bracelet, Silver

Wrist Size 18-19 cm (7-7.5") 20-21 cm (7.8-8.3")


Heavy and very impressive bracelet in fine silver with handstamped details. The original bracelet was a part of a treasure find from Grötlingbo Mårtens in Gotland, Sweden.

The massive, prominent piece has been wholly handmade according to ancient Viking silversmithing techniques with scrupulous attention to details. The bracelet is first handforged, after which it is decorated through punching every single detail on it by hand with a stamp and hammer. Needless to say, the difficulty level is extreme since there isn't room for even a single mistake during the process. Few have the skill to craft them, which makes bracelets like this quite rare.

Link to the original find:

  • Comes in two sizes.
  • Width at the widest point: 24 mm (1")
  • Material Weave: Fine Silver 999

A bracelet like this would have belonged to a powerful chieftain, a wealthy merchant or a successful raider, bestowing the same admiration as wearing an expensive Rolex watch in today's world.